Thursday 20 September 2012

Belfast Writers' Group does Titancon

The Anthology is finally finished. We'll be there at TitanCon selling and signing copies of this fabulous piece of work.

Pop along and meet the writers and buy a copy, all proceeds go to Action Cancer

Monday 13 August 2012

Hello all,

the editing of the anthology is almost finished. By the end of the month it will be submitted to the printers, and then the book launch at the end of September. I'm so excited!

If you have submitted work for the book, please ensure that you get your biography in. This will be your chance to shamelessly advertise your own work, upcoming projects in the pipes and blogs, etc. I'll be posting them here in the not-too-distant future, so make sure that you get them in!

Monday 25 June 2012

Belfast Writers' Group is currently putting together an anthology of supernatural stories. This will released both as a ebook, as well as a paperback, and all proceeds will go to Action Cancer through Studio NI. The book launch will be at TitanCon 2012 on the 22nd September. If you have a story of supernatural nature of between 2000- 7000 words you can send it to me at the link below.